Saturday 25 June 2011

Energy Saving Tips

Small changes equal big energy savings

The biggest long-term savings come from changing your energy habits and being more energy efficient around the home.

As you start to see savings its a good idea to re-invest this money in energy saving products and appliances to reduce your energy consumption even further. The long-term savings will more than pay for the cost of purchasing and installing these measures.

Start using these no-cost energy saving tips energy saving ideas around your home and measure the reduction in your next few energy bills. The more you apply the more you'll save.

Heating Tips
•Set your heating to go off 30 minutes before you leave the house, and come on again 30 minutes before you expect to return.
•Turn the room thermostat down by 1 degree. This can save you around €50 a year.
•Make sure your radiators are not obstructed by curtains or furniture.
•Draw your curtains at dusk to help keep the heat generated inside your rooms.
•Insulate your loft space and consider cavity wall insulation too.

Electrical Appliances
•Use energy efficient light bulbs which use less energy and last up to ten times longer than standard bulbs.
•Turn off household appliances such as microwaves, TVs, videos, music systems, and computers when not in use, as they continue to use energy when they are left on standby. Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers and Dishwashers
•Use a low temperature setting and only wash full loads or use a half-load or economy programme.
•In summer, dry your clothes outside rather than using a tumble dryer.
•When drying your clothes indoors, use a clothes rail instead of a radiator as this stops the heat from reaching the rest of the room.
•Modern dishwashers use less energy and water than washing up by hand.
•Use a pan which is the same size as the cooker ring to prevent heat loss.
•Use a lid on saucepans where possible, so the contents heat up faster and require less energy.
•Consider using pressure cookers, steamers and microwaves which use less energy.

Hot Water
•When using a kettle, only boil as much water as you need.
•If you live in a hard water area, limescale can effect the efficiency of your kettle. Look out for a buildup of limescale in your kettle and treat with vinegar or descaling solutions.
•Consider turning the thermostat on your hot water tank down to 60 degrees centigrade which is a comfortable temperature for most people and will save on your heating costs.
•If you have a standard shower it will use around 40% of the water required for a bath.

More information available at

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