Tuesday 20 March 2012

John Carter flop to cost Walt Disney $200m


Walt Disney has said it expects to lose $200m (£126m) on its movie John Carter, making it one of the biggest flops in cinema history.

The film, about a military captain transported to Mars, could result in an $80-120m loss for Disney's movie business during the current quarter.

Disney shares were down almost 1% in early trading in New York.  The firm is still likely to make a substantial quarterly profit, though, thanks to its TV businesses.

It is estimated that John Carter cost $250m to make and it is likely that Disney spent another $100m on marketing

Now I have a few questions, having seen the movie with my kids.


  1. How did they spend $250 million
  2. Why
  3. Why again

The movie was ok but after taking my two kids, + drinks + food I would suggest waiting until it comes out on Video.

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