Sunday 8 April 2012

Google Project Glass: a vision of the future, or pure fantasy?


Google Project Glass: a vision of the future, or pure fantasy?

Project Glass is an ambitious concept from Google, that, if it ever comes to fruition will see us all wearing futuristic specs that provide augmented reality vision. Imagine having a built-in sat-nav and smartphone in your specs and you’ll get the idea. It might look like the dreams of a science fiction movie director, but Google’s plans to digitise our daily life may not be so far off.

To show it all off Google has released a trailer for Project Glass revealing what could be a vision of how we’ll soon be using augmented reality to enhance our daily routine. As the user wakes up he is able to check the weather forecast simply by looking up at the sky. The temperature is overlaid on his own sight.

As he walks out of the door he discovers that his train isn’t operating, so a map appears immediately before his eyes, offering alternate walking directions aided by a realtime compass.

He encounters a poster for a concert and utters a voice command to remind him to book tickets. A reminder is automatically set, just like that. He soon meets a friend who introduces him to a new eatery, which he checks into within a second. Saying “take a photo” snaps some interesting graffiti along the way. 

He ends up overlooking a sunset, enjoying it with his girlfriend who can see what he sees over a video call. It’s as if everything previously controlled by a smartphone will be controlled by more more natural commands.

And that’s Google’s Project Glass. Ambitious or what? Augmented reality already exists in our mobile phones, letting us see the world through the eyes of a computer. Now it seems Google wants to make the experience more, human.

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