Friday 11 May 2012

Pioneer unveils world’s first augmented reality car display


Pioneer unveils world’s first augmented reality car display

Pioneer has outed the world’s first car GPS system to use augmented reality technology to display directions and traffic information on a car’s windshield. The futuristic navigation system dubbed ‘Cyber Navi’ comes in two models to be released in July 2012. Read on for more details on the amazing car tech, that quite frankly looks like something from Back to the Future 2.

Pioneer claims that the Cyber Navi is the first AR-enabled car navigation system using a heads up display (HUD). In order to work the 37-inch clear HUD is attached in place of the sun visor on the driver’s side.

With road safety in mind only the information required is displayed while driving. Road directions appear on the visor just above the street itself, so as not to obscure the driver’s view.

Green arrows indicating the road path are designed to stand out. Arrows point left or right, just as on a regular sat-nav pointing drivers in the next direction to turn, with distance left till the destination is reached.

The Cyber Navi will even warn of incoming speed limit zones on the HUD, and sound alerts to keep drivers aware.

The Cyber Navi will also be iPod and iPhone compatible, and bring DVD and playback from the portable devices. It is reported that the ‘Cyber Navi’ will be available in two models, and won’t be cheap: the 2-DIN ZH99 and 1-DIN VH99 will sell for ¥300,000 (£2,333) and ¥320,000 (£2,488) respectively.

An imminent UK release is unlikely but it’s still a neat glimpse into the sort of tech we well one day be using. If you can read and understand Japanese, check out the sat-nav in action

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